We are glad to present Custom Fireplace site! Here you can find fireplace doors, screen and frame as well as discounted fireplace screen, unique fireplace screen, light for a stained glass fireplace screen, fireplace screen curtain, cleaning fireplace flum screen, and much more. Everything in one place - image gallery, reviews, the greatest bargains from the trustworthy vendors. We exert ourselves to provide the best online shopping and search experience. If you can dream it we can find it!

Fireplace doors, screen and frame

The high-grade and rightly installed fireplace screen can naturally help shield your fireplace, that's why you should concentrate on choosing a one that will match the overall interior design. There are two main kinds of fireplace screens:

  • Screens with doors fit densely in front of the fireplace for safety. The doors usually have magnetic catch and open without removing the whole screen to reach the firebox. This eases the replacement of fuel and scouring away the ashes.
  • Flat guard or spark guard style screens have a single-piece mesh panel that is mounted before the fireplace and completely closes the fireplace opening. These screens provide the greatest degree of safeness and an untrammeled view of the fire.

After you have chosen the model, you can complement the overall look and functionality of your hearth by selecting suited tools and wood holders.

Remember that there are no standard sizes of fireplace openings in the country, consequently it's considerable to meter the existing opening carefully to get a satisfactory fit.

With the perfect fireplace screen in place, you will be able to ease off and enjoy heat and glow of a crackling fire in your hearth.

You may use online search in Bing or Google or Yahoo to find fireplace doors, screen and frame and anything else you wish. Read more about fireplace screens on this page.

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